New York (ChattahBox) - Researchers have found that flights and sleep disorders are a bad mix when it comes to high levels of stress. People who have obstructive sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder, were found to have increased stress during flights.
Research was carried out by Leigh Seccombe of Concord Repatriation General Hospital in Sydney, Australia, and was presented at the American Thoracic Society meeting.
Researchers looked at 22 patients who suffered from severe sleep apnea. They compared them directly with 10 people who did not suffer from sleep apnea, seeing how they do on a flight.
Those who did not have sleep apnea were found to be more relaxed, and have a lower heart rate on average.
Those who suffered from sleep apnea had increased stress, requiring more oxygen throughout their flight. As their elevation increased, so did their heart rate.
People suffering from sleep apnea could face such a severe level of stress during flights that they may require oxygen.